Empi Kata is a pre-arranged sequence of strikes using the elbows. The kata aims to demonstrate the jitsuka's knowledge of how to use one of the hardest weapons the body has to offer. The kata should be performed with full body movement and each strike should (of course) be solid and precise.
The kata may be performed on an individual basis or with a partner. If performed individually, the jitsuka should imagine their opponent to be of equal size. If an uke is available, they must take retreating mirroring steps as the tori advances, and the tori should make contact with each target, but with practically no force. No force does not mean that the strike should be feeble - quite the contrary. The strike should be strong, and the final movement should be firm but gentle.


When beginning empi kata, the jitsuka should firstly perform a ritsu rei and then settle into a kiba dachi stance and may optionally announce their entry into the kata by calling out the name of the kata. The kata consists of 10 consecutive strikes, and may be performed at almost any pace - but slow and deliberate usually looks best! Each strike advances the jitsuka further forward from their original starting position. All directions given below are based upon the forward direction of the original kiba dachi stance. The instructor may ask to see the kata at the jitsuka's own pace, or he may count out each strike for the jitsuka.

Strike 1

Step:Right foot forward
Strike:Right elbow - driving up
Tori steps forward on the right foot and twisting at the hips drives his right elbow up in an arc to strike the jaw of an opponent directly ahead. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the left.

Strike 2

Step:Left foot forward
Strike:Left elbow - driving up
Tori steps forward on the left foot and twisting at the hips drives his right elbow up in an arc to strike the jaw of an opponent directly ahead. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the right.

Strike 3

Step:Right foot forward
Strike:Right elbow - dropping down
Tori steps forward on the right foot and twists at the hips. Tori tries to achieve a flowing movement as he reaches up and straightens his right arm - almost coming up onto his toes. The tori then drops the arm, bending it at the elbow to strike down onto the left collar bone of an opponent standing directly ahead. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the left.

Strike 4

Step:Left foot forward
Strike:Left elbow - dropping down
Tori steps forward on the left foot and twists at the hips. Tori tries to achieve a flowing movement as he reaches up and straightens his left arm - almost coming up onto his toes. The tori then drops the arm, bending it at the elbow to strike down onto the left collar bone of an opponent standing directly ahead. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the right.

Strike 5

Step:Right foot forward
Strike:Right elbow - driving across from right to left
Target:Back of jaw
Tori steps forward on the right foot and twists at the hips. Tori should aim to step slightly past his central line to the opponent (i.e. slightly over to the right). Tori uses this hip twist to drive his right elbow from the right to the left to strike the rear (left) part of the jaw or an opponent stood directly ahead. The tori should use his left hand to brace the elbow strike by supporting the right hand. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the left.

Strike 6

Step:Left foot forward
Strike:Left elbow - driving across from left to right
Target:Back of jaw
Tori steps forward on the left foot and twists at the hips. Tori should aim to step slightly before his central line to the opponent (i.e. slightly over to the left). Tori uses this hip twist to drive his left elbow from the left to the right to strike the rear (right) part of the jaw or an opponent stood directly ahead. The tori should use his right hand to brace the elbow strike by supporting the left hand. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the right.

Strike 7

Step:Right foot forward
Strike:Right elbow - whipping across from right to left then driving back from left to right
Tori steps forward on the right foot and twists at the hips. Tori should aim to step slightly before his central line to the opponent (i.e. slightly over to the left). Tori draws his right arm across from the right to the left as the step is executed. At the moment the right foot settles firmly, tori unwinds and drives his right elbow from left to right. The strike is aimed at the right temple of an opponent stood directly in front of the tori. The hips and shoulders should be used in combination for the unwinding strike, and the tori should use his left hand to brace the elbow strike by supporting the right hand. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the left.

Strike 8

Step:Left foot forward
Strike:Left elbow - whipping across from left to right then driving back from right to left
Tori steps forward on the left foot and twists at the hips. Tori should aim to step slightly past his central line to the opponent (i.e. slightly over to the right). Tori draws his left arm across from the left to the right as the step is executed. At the moment the left foot settles firmly, tori unwinds and drives his left elbow from right to left. The strike is aimed at the left temple of an opponent stood directly in front of the tori. The hips and shoulders should be used in combination for the unwinding strike, and the tori should use his right hand to brace the elbow strike by supporting the left hand. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the right.

Strike 9

Step:Right foot forward
Strike:Right elbow - swinging from right to left then left to right
Tori steps forward on the right foot and twists at the hips. As he steps tori swings his right arm back (to his left) in striking position, with the left hand supporting the right. The tori should aim to make this step reasonably deep, and his weight should be sustained mainly on the back (left foot). The tori then swings his right arm in a low swing from left to right aiming for the groin of an opponent stood directly ahead. The tori should use his legs to set the height and to carry the swing throgh so that the strike is beginning to swing up at the end. The tori should end up stood side-on facing to the left.

Strike 10

Step:Left foot forward
Strike:Left elbow - whipping over from left to right
Target:Bridge of the nose
For the final strike the tori pivots on his right foot and swings his back leg around anti-clockwise to achieve a higher stance than before, but this time facing to the right. As he steps, tori changes to support his left hand with his right and describes an over the top swing down onto the bridge of the nose of an opponent stood directly ahead. On this final strike, the tori should let out an audible kiai.


At the end of the kata, the jitsuka should pause momentarily in the final position, and then draw his right foot around anti-clockwise to stand facing forward in a su dachi stance. With a final ritsu rei, the kata is complete.