2nd Dan Black belt requirements 

 The Shotokan Karate 2nd Dan Black Belt is the tenth belt given to practitioner of this Martial Art.
All kihon and combination teckniques are performed from Jiyu Dachi
Kizami-Zuki, Mae-Geri, Sanbon-Zuki (step forwards3 times )
Age-Uke, Kizami-Mae-Geri, Gyaku-Zuki, Gedan-Barai (step back 3 times )
Uchi-Ude-Uke Kokutsu-Dachi, Kizami-Zuki, back leg Mae-Geri step back, Gyaku-Zuki ( step forwards 3 times)
Soto-Ude-Uke, Yoko-Empi-Uchi, Uranken, Gyaku-Zuki, Gedan-Barai ( step back 3 times)
Shuto-Uke, Kizami-Mawashi-Geri, Nukite (step forwards 3 times)
Mae-Geri, Oi-Zuki, Gyaku-Zuki (turn step forwards 3 times)
Yoko-Geri-Kekomi Jodan, Zencutsu-Dachi, Urankan-Uchi, Gyaku-Zuki (step-forwards 3 times)
Mawashi-Geri, Jodan, Urankan-Uchi, Gyaku-Zuki (turn step forwards 3 times)
Mae-Geri-Chudan, Mawashei-Geri-Jodan, Urankan, Gyaku-Zuki, Gedan-Barai (same leg) step forwards 3 times
Mawashei-Geri, Jodan, Yoko-Geri-Chudan, Uranken, Gyaku-Zuki, Gedan-Barai (same leg) turn step forwards 3 times
Kizami, Yoko-Geri-Kekomi, step Mae-Geri, Oi-Zuki-Gyaku-Zuki (3 times)
Kizami-Mawashei-Geri, Ushiro-Geri, Gedan-Barai (turn step forwards 3 times)
Yoko-Geri-Keagei, Yoko-Geri Kekomi (same leg) from Kiba-Dachi (3 times)
Step forwards Mae-Geri, Oi-Zuki, Gyaku-Zuki, step back Gedan-Barai, Gyaku-Zuki, step forwards Yoko-Geri-Kekomi, Urankan-Oi-Zuki
Zenkutsu-Dachi Shomen (kicking with the same leg)
Mae-Geri to the front Yoko-Geri-Kekomi to the side, Ushiro-Geri to the rear, Mawashi-Geri to the front; 3 times each side

Go-hon kumite (five step sparring)
Jodan, Chudan attacks
Kihon- Ippon (one step sparring)
1x Jodan, 1x Chudan, 1x Mae-Geri, 1x Kekomi, 1x Mawashi-Geri, 1x Ushiro-Geri: both-sides
Jiyu-Ippon Kumite (semi free style sparring)
1x Jodan, 1x Chudan, 1x Mae-Geri, 1x Kekomi, 1x Mawashi-Geri, 1x Ushiro-Geri: both sides
Jiyu-Kumite (free-style sparring) against 3 consecutive Dan grades

Candidates choice from :
Bassai Sho - Kanku Sho - Tekki Nidan - Ni Jushiho - Jitte
Any previous Kata of the Examiner's choice.